Rise & Grind: Local Woman Inspires SA With Uniquely Produced Coffee Brand

PAY ATTENTION: Click See First under the Following tab to see Briefly News on your News Feed! Captain Maeshibe Marema has certaintly come a long way since her days running through the playgrounds of her small Limpopo village. Today, the soldier with the beauty to match spends her days juggling the busy work schedule her

  • Captain Maeshibe Marema is the proud owner of her very own locally manufactured coffee brand
  • The successful entrepreneur has not always had it easy, but through her work hopes to uplift other young women through job creation
  • Briefly News sat down with the inspiring lady who opened up all about her greatest wins and life lessons

PAY ATTENTION: Click “See First” under the “Following” tab to see Briefly News on your News Feed!

Captain Maeshibe Marema has certaintly come a long way since her days running through the playgrounds of her small Limpopo village. Today, the soldier with the beauty to match spends her days juggling the busy work schedule her thriving coffee business brings.

Speaking exclusively with Briefly News, the hustler opened up about her love for the coffee business and just how much she wants to be an inspiration for other young girls.

With the work she's doing at Maeshibe Coffee, there's just no stopping this queen.

Check out the captivating interview below:

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Please describe your business, what you sell at the coffee shop etc...

My name is Maeshibe Marema, I am the founder and CEO of Maeshibe Coffee. We roast, package and distribute our speciality coffee to different entities. We have coffee beans, ground coffee and hot chocolate.

I am a social entrepreneur and my main aim is to impart roasting and barista skills to young people from all walks of life.

This will also help alleviate poverty by creating employment.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I come from a small village in Limpopo called Zebediela. I have experienced poverty and there’s nothing glamourise about it. It strips you off your dignity.

All I wanted do was create employment and introduce others to the coffee space. It is usually seen as a “white space” and I wanted to break that stereotype.

I wanted to inspire an ordinary girl like me from an underprivileged background that it is possible. I wanted to crawl so others can walk. I wanted to open doors for many others like me. But also, coffee is my first love.

What are some of the challenges you face especially as a woman in the business world?

It’s not easy for big corporates and supermarkets to open up spaces for young girls with start-ups like myself. There is always doubts if you will deliver. There are always doubts if you are really competent at what you say you do.

You constantly have to put your big girl pants on because as a girl you are assumed to only be good at paperwork and not understand the technicalities of running a successful business.

What advice would you have for any other young women hoping to pursue their dreams and make it as entrepreneurs?

It is your dream and yours alone, own it. The world is your oyster. Do proper research about successful businesses and benchmark them. It will not be easy but remember why you want it.

Finally, you also work a job as a military member, correct? How do you balance this very busy work life and your home life?

Yes, I am a captain in the Military. I have an employer-employee agreement with the SANDF and my business does not interfere with my 8-5.

I've also employed a competent team that knows and understands my vision. We have a lot of hours in a day, only if you understand time management. Programme your mind and the rest will take form.

Yas queen: Young entrepreneur featured in paper celebrates online

In other news about young hustlers, Briefly News previously reported that 22-year-old Gomolemo Meje is making a name for herself. The young lady sells fresh, washed and chopped vegetables in Bloemfontein and was recently featured in a local newspaper. She could not be happier with her accomplishment.

Meje shared snaps of her story in both the hard copy of the publication and their website. She added that being featured by them is a big deal for her. The stunning entrepreneur is the founder of Chopped Veggies by Gommie.

The post she uploaded online was welcomed by Saffas who shared in her excitement.

Meje's post has gained over 5 800 likes on the bird app and the celebratory replies keep rolling in.

Mzansi responds to Meje's moment in the spotlight

@linkconcern shared:

"I love to read such stories, stand up and do something for yourself, no blaming game, plenty opportunities out there, as long you have brains to think you can do wonders for yourself."

@JNduna_Ndlovu tweeted:

"CONGRATULATIONS Queen keep shining! And keep grinding WOW!"

@Nkanyezimot16 said:

"Congratulations on all your achievements hun. May God continue to Bless you."

@DaliMlondo responded with:

"Well done baby girl the sky is not the limit for you."

@ikay_mo replied with:

"Congratulations. Wishing you more growth, success and wealth."

@Kabisto7 added:

"I am so proud of you, keep up the good hustle. Keep on keep keeping on doing it."

