Inside the Life of the American Actress

Alexandra Horvath (born February 20, 1990) is a 33 years old Hungarian actress and puppeteer who is best known for her roles in movies such as Jupiters Moon (2017), Doktor Balaton (2020), and Neither with You (2019).

Alexandra Horvath (born February 20, 1990) is a 33 years old Hungarian actress and puppeteer who is best known for her roles in movies such as Jupiter’s Moon (2017), Doktor Balaton (2020), and Neither with You (2019).

The beautiful young actress is also a model with dashing looks and has mostly been seen in TV shows and series. She is yet to hit it big in her acting career and has not been given the main role in any movie. The Hungarian beauty is, however, drawing interest from the internet with movie lovers trying to get more information about her.

Summary of Alexandra Horvath’s Biography 

  • Full name: Alexandra Horvath
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of birth: February 20, 1990
  • Alexander Horvath’s Age: 33
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Nationality: Hungarian
  • Sexual Orientation: Straight
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Famous for: Roles in Jupiter’s Moon (2017), Doktor Balaton (2020), and Neither with You (2019).
  • Alexandra Horvath’s Instagram: @horvath.danda

How Old is Alexandra Horvath Now?

Alexandra Horvath is 33 years old. She was born on the 20th of February 1990 in a Hungarian town called Szabadszállás. Her parents got divorced when she was two years old, and due to this, she moved to Szeged with her mother.

Information regarding close relatives such as siblings, known cousins, or extended family members has not been revealed yet. Multiple reports have it that she has a younger brother, and they have been spotted together occasionally.

If these reports are what they say it is, then we would outrightly say that she is not the only child of her parents. However, we are not able to confirm that news at the time that this report was put together.

The promising actress who is on her way to stardom in the Hollywood movie industry has started on the note of keeping every detail of her life private away from the public. Albeit, she is reported to be a beautiful white woman with mixed ethnicity rooted in central Europe.

She Moved to Szeged, Hungary, with Her Single Mother at the Age of Two

Acting has always been something she wanted to do since her childhood days. Alexandra played children’s roles at the National Theater in Szeged. Her single mother tried to enroll her in the Nemes Nagy Ágnes Human Vocational Secondary School so she could obtain a diploma II acting qualification, but she was denied entry.

So she attended and graduated from the local Deák Ferenc Bilingual High School, a public, co-educational secondary school in Szeged, from 2009-2012. Between 2012-2017, in a bid to pursue her ambitions, she gained admission into the University of Theater and Film, a higher institution in Budapest that trains creative artists for theatre, film, and television.

Alexandra Hovarth majored in puppetry, graduating with a good result. While at school, she took an interest and got engaged in acting and drama. Asides from acting, some reports have it that she also loves literary arts and enjoyed writing poems, practicing music, and did a lot of art dancing as a teenager during her university years.

Hovarth was a member of the Miskolc National Theater between 2017-2021. She is also a member of the József Katona Theater in Kecskemétactress From 2021. She is said to be very passionate and hard-working and does not find any task she is given to carry out difficult.

What Movie is Alexandra Horvath Most Famous for?

Alexandra Hovarth is famous for her roles in two movies which are Jupiter’s Moon (2017) and Neither with You (2019). Although she got minor roles in both movies, they were, however, her first shots in acting as her previous works and experiences have been in casting for TV shows and series and theatre performances.

Prior to her acting roles, the talented actress had many theatre performances and also directed some of them. However, her main plan was to get into acting and hence she auditioned for acting roles in big-screen movies, series, and TV shows.

The gifted actress first came to public attention in 2015 when she was cast as Dominica in the comedy, drama, and romance television series “Válótársak”. Válótársak, translated as Divorcees in the English language, was a Hungarian TV series with 10 episodes that ran from 2015-2016. Although she was not part of the main character, she was quite noticed.

In 2017, she reprised the role in the drama, fantasy, and mystery film Jupiter’s Moon, a 2017 film drama by Kornél Mundruczó. Its title refers to the fourth-largest moon of Jupiter, the cold, icy Europa. The movie premiered at the70th Cannes Film Festival and was presented in Hungary in June 2017. She didn’t get a major as well in the movie.

She Has a Sizeable Filmography But No Major Breakthrough in Her Acting Career  

Alexandra Horvath is a youthfully driven and diligent lady who has worked very hard to achieve her goals. She has an enormous dream which has led her into a few movies and tv shows, but she hopes to appear in many more. She has a lot of theatre performances, movies, and tv shows to her credit. She has consistently demonstrated her talent as an actress.

After her role in Jupiter Moon, she was part of the 2019 romantic comedy movie, Neither With You. Neither With You, originally titled Sevele, was written and directed by Denes Orosz and produced in Hungary. Although she didn’t get a major role in that movie, she co-acted with top Hungarian actors/actresses like Reka Tenki, Bela Meszaros, and Julie Basti, among others.

Her most recent project was as a major cast in the 2020 Hungarian TV series Doktor Balaton. The series was created by Judit Kapitány-Diószegi and Olivér Gábor and has 140 episodes divided into 2 seasons. Its first episode was aired on December 27, 2020, by TV2, and its final episode was aired on the 30th of June 2022. She appeared in 93 episodes.

Major Theater Roles

  • Hessmese (Csokonai Theater, Debrecen)
  • Ildikó Boldizsár: Amália (Ódry Színpad) – one-person puppet exam performance – director: Alexandra Horváth
  • How many streets are there (Ódry Színpad) – musical
  • Caucasian Chalk Circle (Budapest Puppet Theater)
  • While they are reading this title, we are talking about yourselves (Trafó – Fuge production)
  • Zéró (Ódry Színpad)
  • Kistigris and Little Bear (Ciróka Puppet Theatre, Kecskemét)
  • Sandman (Ódry Színpad)
  • bear life/bear dream (Ódry Színpad)

Movies and TV Shows/Series

Alexandra Horvath is Not in Any Confirmed Relationship

The  Hungarian actress is very private about her personal life and has not said anything about who she is dating. Neither her past nor her present relationship timeline has been revealed to the public. She could probably have a boyfriend, however, decided to keep it on a low, or it could be that she prefers to focus on her acting career.

Although we are not able to confirm her relationship status, we can confirm, however, that she is a lover of pets and has been spotted holding a Border Terrier dog breed passionately in her arms. It is also reported that she spends time with close friends and does a lot of traveling. No information regarding a relationship at the time that this report was compiled

