Theodore Roosevelt is a preeminent political figure of America who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909.
The former president first worked as the 25th vice president under William McKinley in 1901. Later, he took the presidency after President William McKinley was assassinated.
He was the youngest person to become the President of America at the age of 42 and remains one of the greatest leaders in the History of America. His documentary will be shown on The History Channel on Memorial Day on May 30 and May 31.
Theodore Roosevelt's life contained tragedies, but his legacy was defined by his triumphs. Discover the strenuous life of the president before #TheodoreRoosevelt, the documentary event airing May 30 and 31 at 8/7c on The HISTORY Channel. pic.twitter.com/3TlbWg4DwB
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US President Theodore Roosevelt Speech Shot
Theodore Roosevelt was running for his campaign for the next presidential election when he was shot just before giving a speech to the audience.
A saloonkeeper named John Flammang Schrank directed a shot at him in his chest on October 14, 1912.
He knew the bullet has penetrated his chest as his shirt had bloodstains on it, but since he was not coughing blood he knew that it hadn't reached deep into his lungs. So, he went on to give the speech at Milwaukee Auditorium.
He silenced the audience by revealing that he has been shot by unbuttoning his vest to reveal his bloodstained shirt. Furthermore, he added that it takes more than that to kill a bull moose.
His 50-page speech manuscript and eyeglass case had stopped the bullet from going to his heart. He showed two big holes that his speech pages had and gave the 90 minutes speech while a bullet was lodged in his chest.
Theodore Roosevelt Had Faced Assassination Attempts Multiple Times
Presidents Of the USA have faced a myriad of assassination attempts, but the most popular among them would be the one on Roosevelt in 1912.
He was shot by a fanatic who told that the ghost of passed president William had led him to shoot Roosevelt.
Theodore still gave a speech without taking medical attention, and after completing he went to treat his wounds. The bullet had logged in his chest muscle and had not penetrated the pleura.
According to the doctor, It was dangerous for the bullet to be removed from his body, so it was safe to let it be as it was. Due to this Theodore, carried the shot bullet with him for the rest of his life.
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When And How Did Theodore Roosevelt Die? His Cause Of Death
Theodore Roosevelt wanted to run for the next presidential election, but his health condition was not good.
So, he did not run for election. He was having a breathing problem on the night of January 5, 1919.
He died while sleeping on January 6, 1919, due to pulmonary embolism. He was 60 years old when he died. He peacefully bade goodbye from the world in his family home in Oyster Bay.