What is the definition of blesser, blessee and slay queen in South Africa and celebrities who've bee

We have seen so many people online being accused of being slay queens, blessers, and even blessees. The reason for these people being categorized in these terms is because they appear to have the standard features of a slay queen, blesser, or blessee. It has left most people questioning 'how do you join the blesser

We have seen so many people online being accused of being slay queens, blessers, and even blessees. The reason for these people being categorized in these terms is because they appear to have the standard features of a slay queen, blesser, or blessee. It has left most people questioning 'how do you join the blesser club' or even 'how do you find a blesser?'

The searches on how to find a blesser are numerous online. It seems that multiple ladies want to acquire this lavish lifestyle. It leads us to the most crucial question of the century, 'how do you distinguish a slay queen, blesser, and blessee?'

Meaning of Slay queen

"Slay queen" is the term that has become quite popular and is greatly used amongst a particular group of women. It has left many people questioning the slay queen meaning or the definition of slay queen. 'What is a slay queen?' you may ask. This is a term used to describe ladies who tend to live a lavish lifestyle that is funded by another person.

In a nutshell, they are living an extravagant lifestyle on another person's budget. In most cases, the lifestyle of the lady is maintained by another person because the woman is giving out sexual or other related favors. Initially, the term was used to display positivity, especially during the celebration of the achievement of something.

However, as time passed by, negative connotations became attached to the term. This term is not restricted to ladies in South Africa but also all over the world. Recently, people have gone online to shame these ladies who are pursuing this lifestyle.

Characteristics of slay queens

The following are the features of the so-called slay queens:

  • They adore makeup and will hardly walk out of their homes or meet up with a person without applying makeup.
  • They have a unique language that tends to cut out long phrases into short words. For instance, some of the most popular phrases and short slang words used by these ladies include Oh my gosh, Wharreva, So cute, and I'm done with...
  • You will always find them on social media and not far away from their phones. These ladies will frequently tend to take photos and update their followers regarding their day. They will always keep on checking their phones to see how many people have liked, shared, or even commented on their photos.
  • The images they post on their social media tend to be highly edited with filters. The reason for the filters is to give their photos an exquisite appearance and reach high beauty standards. In most cases, these filters have been known to confuse people regarding the age of these ladies.
  • They love partying and will always show up at the newest joints in town to party. They can party from Monday to Sunday since this gives them an excellent opportunity to update their followers on Instagram and even tag their pals along.
  • They tend to hang out in the recently opened shopping malls, bars, restaurants, or any location that is trending.
  • READ ALSO: 'Tiger' Mantashe denies bribing journalists in 'slay queen' drama

    South African celebrities and individuals who have been accused of being slay queens

    Some ladies in South Africa are believed to portray the characteristics of these ladies. One of the most popular South African slay queens is Mathobela from Seshego, Limpopo. She escaped her hometown and moved to Joburg six years ago in search of a better life. Initially, her family was unaware of where she was.

    The beauty decided to become a slay queen. Today, Mathobela has become so famous, to the point that she is charging R10,000 for her appearance. She does not only host in Johannesburg but also in other countries abroad. Recently, Mthobela hosted a concert in Dubai and was paid R20,000 in one day.

    Another popular SA lady who portrays the features of these ladies is Lewis. She comes from the Eastern Cape. She decided to quit her banking job in a bid to become one of these ladies. One of the things Lewis had to do was to shed off weight. She lost twenty kilograms and even took to her Instagram to share her weight-loss journey.

    As she was sitting in her house contemplating on how to make money, she got a text from a modeling agent requesting her to become a club host. That was how her new lavish lifestyle began. Currently, Lewis describes herself as a lady who is living a luxurious lifestyle at the expense of somebody else.

    Other famous slay queens in South Africa include Nokulunga "Miss Pruehanna" Msomi, Innocentia Morolong, Eva Modika, and Tebogo "Diamond" Ramokgadi.

    Blesser and blessee definition

    'What is a blesser, and what does it mean to be a blessee?' these are two questions that are frequently asked by most people. In South Africa, a blesser is seen as a sugar daddy. The term, therefore, refers to a male who is older than the multiple girlfriends whom he has chosen to spoil with extravagant gifts in exchange for sexual favors or companionship.

    This brings about the name blessee. This term describes the lady who is pampered by the sugar daddy with expensive gifts in exchange for companionship and sex. In South Africa, this term came up when girls on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram began posting pictures of expensive gifts and stacks of money.

    They accompanied the photos with the caption #blessed. This meant that the lavish bags, clothes, shoes, trips, and stacks of money they were portraying had been gifted to them by older men. These older men were dubbed the title of blessers.

    South Africans believed to be blessers

    It is hard to pinpoint the celebrities or individuals who have been accused of being blessers since they tend to be secretive. However, they can easily be found on the blesser club, which is accessible to individuals who are over eighteen years old. Some of the people who could fit the blessee bracket include Lewis, who said that she is living an extravagant lifestyle at the expense of somebody else.

    Most millennials want to attain wealth fast without working. Slay queens online are not making things more manageable since they tend to flaunt lavish handbags, jewelry, cars, clothes, and stacks of money. This has left most ladies searching for a blesser to make them a blessee.

    READ ALSO: Video of 2 women dancing with 'blesser' sparks a frenzy online

