Video of Supermom Who Had 9 Kids by 28 Goes Viral, Has Peeps Complimenting Her Youthful Glow

PAY ATTENTION: Read the hottest World Cup news, gossip, analytics and predictions A loving mother who had a whopping nine children by the age of 28 has left social media users scratching their heads. The supermom posted a video on TikTok showing off all her beautiful children and the years she birthed them, including the

  • One doting momma has posted a video showing off all the kids she’s had, and the years she gave birth to them
  • In the clip, the youthful-looking lady shared that she had nine children by the age of 28, bringing her firstborn into the world in 2001
  • TikTok users were shocked by the mother and had many questions about how she managed to raise so many kids who are very close in age

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A loving mother who had a whopping nine children by the age of 28 has left social media users scratching their heads.

The supermom posted a video on TikTok showing off all her beautiful children and the years she birthed them, including the little one she lost in 2004, when she was only 20.

TikTok user, Mzkora, shared that she had her first child at 17 in 2001, with her last one born in 2012.

Her video racked up over 13 million views and more than one million ‘likes’ online.

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The joyful momma clearly has tons of fun with her children, who each seem unique and individualistic.

Mzkora’s video was captioned:

“Nine kids at 28 years old is mind-blowing.”

TikTok users were shocked by the doting mother and her many kids

Netizens could not believe the young-looking woman was a parent to nine kids and asked her how she managed to raise so many kids who were close in age:

Juanca joked:

“Girl, you didn’t have a TV?”

Bundleofjo added:

“I can’t imagine being pregnant nine times.”

Gabi teased:

“This lady is living my worst nightmare.”

Here is the video:

Video of beautiful 40-year-old mommy stunning netizens with youthful looks goes viral online

In another story by Briefly News, one 40-year-old mother left social media users stunned by showing off her youthful looks.

Posting a video on TikTok, the woman tried breaking stigmas about older moms, sharing that she had her first baby at 40.

The lovely lady then showed off her unique style, which stunned many. The supermom looked like a total supermodel, with her style shocking many.

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